Reflection post: My Experience about #Thebookblogtrain

Hello friends,

I am happy to announce that I have successfully completed #Thebookblogtrain season2.

I wrote 2 posts this season. First one is poetry “Books Are Darlings”

And the second one is “Tips and tricks to increase reading in kids”.

In Season1, I wrote only one post that is a very detailed review of ” The power of your subconscious mind” Now I feel that I should have more concise while reviewing any book.

This is the lesson which I learnt from the last season’s participation.

I learnt so many things from Season 1 & Season2 as well.

TheBookblog train challenge pushed me to write and explore more about books.

They give specific topics related to the book world and you have to select the topic and write on those selected topics.

I selected these two and tried my best to create my own content. I am happy with the outcome. I agree, There is always a possibility for improving better in all the aspects of your writing.

I believe, every single day we grow and learn more as compare to our previous engagements.

“Learning is the continuous process and I feel proud that I am trying my best to make my learning phase more productive and fruitful.”

In this Season also through book recommendation posts and some others, I got some more knowledge about books and I happily added to my TBR list.

I learnt about how can you give variations in your single post by using different ways.

What I feel, We should follow our own essence of writing. That is the thing which appeals me to read and stick with the post. That uniqueness of your writing always maintains that required freshness. That is my personal opinion. I respect other point of views also.

That is my theory, what you feel? Mention in the comment section.

Here I am adding my favourite posts from Season 2. I want to mention that also they are from the same topic which I followed for my post.

1. First one by Noor Anand Chawla

She introduced “Haiku poetry” in her post and I was unaware about that so a new homework was ready for me.

2. This one was posted by Devika Ramadoss

I love the way how she explained her views about the topic in the post.

3.The third one by Sindhu Vinod Narayan

I felt a connection with the post. Beautifully articulated and well expressed.

I want to thank all the participants who read my posts and make me feel more motivated for my efforts with their awesome reviews.

All are the winners already for their efforts and hard work. Best wishes for the results. May the best one win.

I also want to convey my special thanks to hosts Vidhya and Siddhi & sponsors Penguin India and Red wolf too for organising such a smooth event.

Agree on that note, there is always a possibility to improve and beat the own previous benchmark.

Now I am binding up to this post with my ending note.

“Don’t look for a perfect one always. Make it the best through your efforts.


Regards & Gratitude


This article is written as a part of #Thebookblogtrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkar and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin India and Redwolf should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

#Thebookblogtrain: Tips And Tricks to increase reading in kids

Hello Everyone!

This is my 2nd post of #Thebookblogtrain Season2.

How can one increase the habit of reading books in kids?

Here I will share my experiences and my tips or tricks which I used for my kids. I hope you will find these useful.

Tips And Tricks to increase reading in kids-

1. Start with the books full of images

Kids are slightly different readers, they first get attracted by the book covers, characters or the images then they agree further to read more.

Pick the book of their favourite characters or you can pick their favourite pictures book too and see the magic.

2. You have to involve with them to make them sit and read

Here I am taking my kid’s example. They are not ready to sit easily at one place and read the book. I have to sit with them and make an environment of reading, explaining such things which they are not getting directly.

By doing this you can maintain their interest otherwise after reading some lines if they struck somewhere, they feel disinterested.

3. Let them decide which book they want to read, discover their area of interest

My daughter like to read all type of kids magazines and books. Now she has some command on the language too so she can easily understand, what is the story talking about.

I have crossed that phonics part, that is very essential for initial reading in kids. If they wouldn’t relate then how will they connect?

4. Make reading is your family time-

I observed, kids often copy you, If you are fond of the reading or you have a habit of reading books then they will also catch the habit of reading.

My daughter started reading like this only. I read and gave her a book too, sat with her and started explaining the story or picture. That’s how she picked up the interest of reading.

5. Don’t force kids for reading

Kids do not appreciate the things which they do forcefully. Firstly you have to understand the mood and interest of the kid. If he or she is in the mood of playing with you then you can create different innovative games using books.

Like I do, I tell them that I will introduce the first 2 lines, then next is your turn, we will give points to each other and count in the end. Believe me, they will enjoy and ready for the engagement.

6. Initiate with Kids Ebooks and Audiobooks

If they are small then you can start with Audiobooks and Ebooks. You can interchange their screen time with interesting Ebooks. They will definitely enjoy.

Later when they will show some interest, you can introduce the books physically.

I am sure these tips and tricks will help you. What are your suggestions and what tricks do you apply for your kids?

Please let me know in the comment section. Till then take care and enjoy reading with your kids.

Regards & Gratitude


This article is written as a part of #Thebookblogtrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkar and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin India and Redwolf should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

Book Review”the power of your subconscious mind” #Thebookblogtrain

Hello guys!

This is my first time when I am reviewing any book. I am glad that I am doing it, not sure whether I would do justice or not but I will try my best.

This book is one of my favourite book “the power of your subconscious mind” by Dr Joseph Murphy, revised by Dr Ian McNahan.

This book is especially for whom who are interested to know about the hidden concepts and theories about the subconscious mind.

Some Facts about the book-

1. This book has 20 chapters and 248 pages and each chapter shows and describes its special relation to subconscious mind. How can one relate and understand their life situations through it? This is a detailed book.

2. Original English Language edition is published by Prentice Hall Direct. This edition published by Pocket Books.

3. This book defines the marvellous power of our subconscious mind. The book mentions that ” Never finish a negative statement. Reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in your life.

If you think good, good will follow, if you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way our mind works. Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.

4. This book also gives you examples of experiments by psychologists on the subconscious mind.

5.One major and interesting fact which the book explains that our subconscious mind controls our heartbeat and the circulation of the blood also. It regulates our digestion assimilations too. It is explained in detail.

6. This book also supports the theory of that all diseases originate in the mind. Nothing appears on the body unless there is a mental pattern corresponding to it.

7. The book supports to believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth and divine guidance. This book encourages to apply the power of prayer and positiveness in our life. It gives the idea that our subconscious mind is reactive. It responds to the nature of our thoughts.

8. This book mentions all the modern techniques and methods which help in mental healing such are “The sleeping technique“,” The Thank you technique” and many more.

9. Here I want to quote some lines of the book-“Your subconscious mind is in touch with infinite life and boundless wisdom and its impulses and ideas are always life ward.

10. This book proves that when your mind thinks correctly when you understand the truth when the thoughts deposited in our subconscious mind, the magic working power will respond.

11. These books try to give the answers to all the questions like Why is one person is sad and another happy? Why is one person joyous, prosperous and successful and another is poor, miserable and failure.

My Rating- 4.7/5

My views about the book-

1. You may feel some points are repetitive but they are necessary to relate and link to the other points simultaneously. I think this is the only thing which you feel a little annoying but in overall this book is awesome.

2. I enjoyed a lot and learnt so many things and made some new concepts in my mind after reading this.

3. My favourite chapters are chapter no. 8″ How to get the results you want”? This chapter explains how disciplined imagination works wonders. But there shouldn’t be any conflict of desire and imagination. And Chapter no. 15 “Your subconscious mind and your happiness” and the list is so long. I am not mentioning all of my favourites.

4. This book touches all the aspects of life which we want to understand and sometimes question ourselves why is it happening to us? Where we did wrong.

5. I found this book very useful to understands the psychological as well as the scientific approach about most of the situations which we face in our daily lives.

6. This book is full of suggestions and real-life examples which gives you a boost to understanding the situation differently.

7. I will highly recommend reading this book once in your life. I am sure your approach towards life will change. You will notice the minute and gradually big changes in your life.

8. One important thing, this will happen only when you will go to start believing in the power of your subconscious mind. Without a strong belief, nothing will be changed. Why am I saying this because I have experienced it personally?

9. I learnt from the book that whatever you want to do and achieve in your life, make a list and repeat for about four to five minutes daily with full conviction but the condition is you have to believe whatever you are thinking and imaging and believe me this is not an easy task because we have already make a practice to think negatively first.

This is all from my side, I am sure you are very excited to read this book. Go ahead! You will not be disappointed.

This article is written as a part of #Thebookblogtrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkarand Siddhi Palande powered by Rupa Publishersand Tea Treasure should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”

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Passionate and Enthusiastic mom of two kids, Home maker, Now blogger also on Aspiring hope.

Eager to learn new things. Believe in simple living & high thinking.