Criticism: How to take it!

Hello everyone!!

How are you all doing? Hoping all are doing good.

Today I will share my point of view about the topic “Criticism“. Everybody has to face it at some level of their life.

How one should take it or react it, today I will talk about it.

What is the real mean of the criticism?

How it affects life?

What are the positives or negatives?

We need to understand it at a more deeper level.

What is Criticism?

“Criticism is the expression of finding faults & mistakes as well as the good part of the particulars and then judging them on the basis of their acts.”

True Criticism should be based on the above definition but in actuality is it happen exactly the same?

Think about it and share your experiences regarding this.

Here I feel that the so-called people and relatives some friends and families who have the authority or they take it by default to judge someone else.

They should first introspect themselves on the same basis where they are judging others.

If they have the qualities which they are talking about then they can give their opinion and only if required and if they haven’t then they should work on themselves first rather than commenting on other’s plus and minuses.

Two possibilities

1. Positive Approach- Here one has the pure intention to improve other’s mistakes. This is the thoughtful feedback where he analyses the situation and gives the solution to improve accordingly. That is called Positive approach.

2. Negative Approach – This totally depends on the person’s psychology. How he thinks and make a statement about others?

Is he insecure or jealous of others?

If yes then this is 100% sure he will only focus on the negatives because this is how he approaches the things generally?

This is purely a Negative Approach.

Here this is advisable one should focus on the situations more rather than the person.

How to handle it-

1. I know it is very difficult to listen something wrong and unpleasant about us but it is also a fact in our consciousness we exactly know the truth about ourselves.

If we are wrong and we need to change our behaviour and approach then definitely should go for it.

If we know and understand the hidden truth behind it, why they are doing it then ignoring them is the best way because arguments with such type of people are totally wastage of our time.

2. If you can’t ignore them then respond to them in a respectful manner because they want to provoke and make an issue. Their motto is clear, if we also lose our patience by listening to their nonsense shits then they will catch the chance to be innocent and prove us wrong.

Don’t give that chance to them because they use it as their play card.

See, Criticism can be good in a certain way but only we need to understand the psyche of the person.

Don’t get so personal and emotional due to the criticism because you are the one who knows the best and the worst about you.

Doesn’t matter what people are talking about because there are only a few who appreciate the good work, others are only want to do leg-pulling.

Believe in yourselves and keep doing the good work. This is the life. One will always speak something good or bad about someone else so we can’t help in it.

With these words now I am ending this one, will catch you in the next one. Take care.

Don’t Judge!!!!!

Hello all! How are you doing? Hoping all is good!!

Yesterday I was reading an article & I was convinced with the words. I also started thinking about that yes this is very true and it’s happening with me also but at the same time, a question came into my mind why we judge others?

We are all different people, different people with different choices, different perspectives, different personalities, different priorities, different aims, different problems, different solutions everything is different in some or other way then how can we evaluate and judge some other people’s lives and activities?

I think this is wrong to compare one’s life to another. They are not like me and I am not like them.

We both have different abilities, different qualities, different plus, different minus, different thought processes and a different way to live our lives than logically where are the place and need of the comparison?

Everyone has its own thought process and experiences behind everything he does and reacts.

There is a reason why he or she is doing so? We never understand the reason why he is like that or behaving like that unless we go through the same circumstances and the same situations. Sometimes after knowing the reality, we don’t show any interest to know about that thing.

Why we are in so much hurry to judge anyone?

I only want to say to those peoples who only want to judge, Come to my place and try to live my life once and give the results which I am delivering in all the situations whether it is good or bad then only you come to know how difficult to handle all those situations which you neglect by saying that Oh! What special in that? What special are you doing?

If you don’t understand the things, then ask me. If you don’t agree to my viewpoint, my opinion, my reaction, it’s fair enough then clear your point.

If you don’t like anything at least say to me try to sort out. Here I notice some people don’t want to face that person to whom they are talking about? At least go and ask for the reasons why he did so.

In the end, I only want to say Judging someone is so easy but perform at their place might be so difficult for you so “Don’t Judge”. You don’t know the reasons and things what they have been going through and fighting for survival.

Try to respect others. Take care of yourselves and others too.

I hope you like today’s post. What do you think about it? Share with me. Stay tuned!!

Regards and Gratitude,
